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Packaged Brown Rice For Dogs - 50kg, Abule Egba
Packaged Brown Rice For Dogs - 50kg
Packaged Brown Rice For Dogs - 50kg
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Packaged Brown Rice For Dogs - 50kg, Abule Egba

Price22 000
Region: Lagos State / Abule Egba
Brown rice is packed with essential minerals like manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and potassium. It is also loaded with vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin K. This premium quality brown rice is a great source of protein and carbohydrates, providing easily digestible energy for your furry friend. Hygienically processed and well packaged, this special quality dog food is perfect for your pet's nutritional needs. Suitable for both dogs and cats. Brand new condition.

Packaged Brown Rice For Dogs - 50kg — «»

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Ad ID: #408 (added by an unregistered user, Registration date: 19-01-2024)
Added / Updated: 08-02-2025 11:42   (valid until: 07-08-2025)
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